The Language of Marriage

Does marriage have a language? 
Do our words shape our future?
Can our words bring destruction?

Find the answers and more in, Marriage from Roots to Fruits: Understanding God’s Design for Growing in Good Soil by Matt Pavlik.

Marriage from Roots to Fruits: Understanding God’s Design for Growing in Good Soil by Matt Pavlik is a solid, biblical Christian marriage book and study guide that gives hope for troubled marriages when failure is not an option. As most know, the divorce rate is at a staggering rate in the U.S. Most couples are bombarded with a myriad of issues that come from encounters with the world’s darkness, sin and the enemy. 

In this profound book, the author as a licensed professional marriage counselor, gives understanding to your personal design by God that includes your identity and a step-by-step journey of growth in God and within a marriage. He unveils marriage as designed by God that was intended to be an environment where one can grow and prosper.

With this in mind, the author presents a fascinating and insightful read that teaches one who you are in God and what marriage was created for.  He has created a guide, divided into 3 parts as: Spiritual Foundations, Individual Growth & Marital Growth to help readers recognize that good fruit comes from good trees. Therefore, he starts from the root of issues to produce godly fruit. This takes readers within a marriage, individually, or within a small study group, on a journey of self-discovery to enable them to put God back into the picture. Thus, producing a fruitful harvest the way God designed marriage to be enjoyed.

Marriage from Roots to Fruits comes highly recommended as a read that is not only biblical, but practical. 
Matt Pavlik
Additionally, the author addresses many of the issues in marriage that can eat away at the root system of a marriage to include: communication style, your love language and conflict resolution. (Honestly, there is so much in the book that all cannot be listed within a review). Within the pages of this book one will learn to view each other as an individual, understand differences and godly roles, while learning to apply godly principles within a marriage that will transform marriages and individuals. The book is certainly an all-encompassing Christian perspective from one who is a professional marriage counselor and has a heart to heal marriages.

As a reviewer that has reviewed hundreds of books, many which are on marriage, this book stands out as one of the best that I have had the pleasure of reviewing.
  • ISBN #978-0986383106
  • A CBM Book Review
  • 10.0 out of 10.0 plus stars
For more information, visit:

End Time Prophecy Wars

Patience Prence grabs your attention on the first page and doesn't let go until the end. Her storyline, which is is based on the premise of the New Age movement who are looking for the false Christ Maitreya, is spectacular. In the story he comes and tries to make his stand. Her exhaustive study and understanding of the Biblical books dealing with the days leading up to the Second Coming of the Messiah is evident in this FACT BASED Christian thriller.

Sixteen-year-old Rebekah Silver is your average teenager living in Southern California. She worries only about learning her cheerleading routines and passing her math test. But as world dictators rise to power and devastating disasters claim millions of lives she is inspired to search for answers. Becky soon discovers her world is quickly coming to an end, just as it was prophesied. Now she must decide whether to risk her life to follow the laws of God or surrender her soul to the law of man in this action-packed thriller.

You may get your copy of Scars in audio book at Books In Motion. Check Scars out at Amazon also. 

Filled With Understanding from Cover to Cover

The Common Thread: Uncovering the History of the Christian Faith

  • Discover an exciting read displaying the commonality of the main world religions.
  • Understand the main enemies of Christianity over time ~ that have been both the churches and the law of certain empires throughout history.
  • Understand patterns and personal agendas throughout history that have shaped religion.
  • Uncover the reality of the exclusion of information and certain religious writings throughout the past not included in the current copy of the Holy Bible.
  • Understand Christianity and how Christianity relates to world religions.
  • Unlock the mysteries to religions as the authors debunk the myths surrounding certain religions.

Exciting, intriguing and well-researched, this is a must read for Christians and theology students wanting to understand the Christian faith and world religions.