Divine Strength

God never intended for you to fight the satanic attacks in your own strength. He expected you to use the same weapons that Jesus used when He was tempted. Use the Word of God with the same perseverance that Jesus did, and see the same victories in your own life. 

Jesus was tempted in every area of life and was always victorious. God is not planning for you to fail. Failure will only come when you come against temptations in your own strength. Divine strength for you is based on the promises of God. You are able to apply this wonderful divine strength as you use the Word of God against temptations or situations. How victorious do you want to be today? The greater the victories you want to see, the more you must apply the promises of God against the problems. Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.